HKUST Tops All Universities with Highest Funding from Research Grants Council Schemes
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HKUST Express
HKUST Tops All Universities with Highest Funding from Research Grants Council Schemes
科大獲研究資助局計劃撥款 金額冠絕本地院校
HKUST Tops All Universities with Highest Funding from Research Grants Council Schemes
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) set new record for the University and surpassed all local universities in Research Grants Council (RGC) schemes for the year 2024/25. These RGC schemes encompass Research Fellow Scheme (RFS), Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS), Areas of Excellence (AoE) Scheme and the Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS).

For RFS and SRFS, six faculty members from HKUST garnered a whopping total of over HK$37 million fellowship grants for their distinguished research capabilities. In terms of the number of awardees and grant amounts, the University trumped all local universities. A testament to HKUST’s breadth and depth of knowledge and expertise, the six HKUST faculty members who received recognition span a diversity of disciplines.

On the AoE and TRS front, three research projects spearheaded by HKUST, which cover a vast range of disciplines, were awarded a total funding of HK$212.5 million – the highest funding amount among all local universities and a record-high achievement for the University. Epitomizing the synergy with HKUST’s Guangzhou campus, two of the awarded projects are jointly undertaken by faculty members from both HKUST and HKUST(GZ), underscoring the growing collaboration in fostering groundbreaking interdisciplinary research.

Highlighting the University’s robust research capabilities across a diversity of disciplines, these achievements aptly demonstrated the University’s unwavering commitment to attract and nurture top-tier research talents who dedicate themselves towards addressing global challenges with thought provoking solutions. HKUST will persist in its cultivation of an environment that empowers researchers to pursue their passions and drive innovation for a better mankind.
Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS)
Name of Faculty Project Title Amount of Fellowship Grant
Prof. CHEN Jing Kevin Unlocking the Full Potential of Wide-bandgap Semiconductors through Heterogeneous Integration and Junction Engineering for Highly Efficient Power Conversion Systems ~HK$8.0 million
Prof. ZHANG Qian A Framework for Human-Centric Contactless Sensing Using mmWave Signals ~HK$8.0 million
Research Fellow Scheme (RFS)
Prof. Tom CHEUNG Post-transcriptional regulation of muscle stem cell quiescence during physiological conditions and aging ~HK$5.3 million
Prof. LIU Kai Enhance locomotor recovery by transforming a complete spinal cord injury into an incomplete injury ~HK$5.3 million
Prof. WANG Yi Cosmological Collider Physics in Light of Bootstraps ~HK$5.3 million
Prof. ZHU Pengyu Regional Science and Complex Systems: A Five-year Research Plan on Transportation, Land Use, Labor, and Innovation Systems ~HK$5.3 million
Areas of Excellence Scheme 2024/25
Project Title Project Coordinator Approved Budget#
Frontier and Human-centric AI and Robotics Technology for Geriatric Care Prof. Bertram SHI Emil, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, HKUST HK$88.481 million
Theme-based Research Scheme 2024/25
A Digital Twin for Enhancing Coastal Resilience against Extreme Storm Surges in Hong Kong Prof. ZHAO Jidong, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, HKUST HK$62.893 million
Enhancing Hong Kong's Role in Sustainable Supply Chain Finance via Technology Transformation Prof. ZHANG Jiheng, Head and Professor of Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics, HKUST HK$61.191 million
#Including funding from RGC and matching fund from universities concerned.



學者 項目名稱 撥款金額
陳敬教授 通過異質集成和結接工程來解鎖寬禁帶半導體的全部潛能,實現高效電力轉換系統 約$800萬港元
張黔教授 基於毫米波信號的以人為中心的非接觸式傳感框架 約$800萬港元
張曉東教授 生理條件下和衰老過程中肌肉幹細胞靜息態的轉錄後調控 約$530萬港元
劉凱教授 將完全性脊髓損傷轉化為不完全損傷進而恢復運動功能 約$530萬港元
王一教授 通過宇宙自舉技術研究宇宙對撞機物理 約$530萬港元
朱鵬宇教授 區域科學與複雜系統:關於交通、土地使用、勞動力和創新系統的五年研究計劃 約$530萬港元
項目名稱 項目統籌者 批准預算#
老年護理中前沿的、以人為本的人工智慧和機器人技術 科大電子及計算機工程學系教授
發展香港海岸基礎設施數字孿生技術應對極端風暴潮 科大土木及環境工程學系教授
通過技術轉型提升香港在可持續供應鏈金融中的的地位 科大工業工程及決策分析學系系主任及教授
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