HKUST President Prof. Nancy IP at “Winter Davos” 2024 |
Sharing Insights with Global Leaders on Healthy Aging, Sustainability, Climate Change and AI |
科大校長葉玉如出席2024「冬季達沃斯」 |
與全球領袖分享對健康老齡化、可持續發展、氣候變化及人工智能的真知灼見 |
“It’s not just about adding more years to our life, but adding life to our years.” Prof. IP (right) shares insights with prominent leaders from European Commission, Manulife Financial and Mercer (Marsh McLennan) on the panel “Navigating Longer Lifespans”. |
「我們不僅追求更長壽,亦應增添有生命力的歲月。」葉教授(右)於研討會上與來自歐洲聯盟、宏利金融和美世等跨國企業與國際組織的主要領袖,就探索人類長壽之路進行交流。 |
Prof. Nancy IP, President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) was among over 3,000 esteemed global leaders from more than 125 countries attending the 2024 World Economic Forum, in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland to address some of the most substantive issues facing our world today. As the sole university president from Hong Kong at the Winter Davos, Prof. Ip was invited to participate in a number of important exchanges, including a panel discussion on global demographic shifts entitled, “Navigating Longer Lifespans”. Prof. Ip shared insights with prominent leaders from multinational corporations and government entities. She urged the public and private sectors to invest in research, with the aim of mitigating the risk of neurodegenerative diseases among the elderly population. Beyond the panel discussion, Prof. Ip also added her unique perspective to vibrant discussions on climate change, the integral role of universities in fostering advancements in sustainability, and AI research and education. To learn more about Prof. Ip’s insights at Winter Davos, please read the press release. |
香港科技大學(科大)校長葉玉如教授早前出席瑞士達沃斯-克洛斯特斯舉辦的2024世界經濟論壇年會。會上雲集全球125多個國家和地區的3,000多名代表,深入探討全球重大議題。 作為香港高教界唯一獲邀出席冬季達沃斯的大學校長,葉教授參與了多場重要的交流活動,當中包括關注人口變化,探索人類長壽之路的專題研討會。會上,葉教授與跨國企業和國際組織的代表交流。她呼籲公營及私人機構投放更多資源於大腦研究,從而降低長者患神經退化疾病的風險。 除了專題研討會,葉教授亦在多場熱烈的討論中,就氣候變化對全球帶來的挑戰,以及大學於推動可持續發展和人工智能在研究與教育中的角色,分享其精闢見解。 歡迎瀏覽新聞稿,了解更多葉教授於冬季達沃斯的真知灼見。 |